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Stories About Brands Taking Stands

Found 665 stories. Page 6 of 34.

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo Leave Pro-Plastics Lobbying Association
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo Leave Pro-Plastics Lobbying Association

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - As more and more companies are transitioning away from single-use plastics and actively seeking more sustainable alternatives, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo have announced their exit from the Plastics Industry Association.

Automakers, California Reach Landmark Agreement on Clean Emission Standards
Automakers, California Reach Landmark Agreement on Clean Emission Standards

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Ford, VW, Honda and BMW — which together represent about a third of the US market — are using their collective heft to fight for cleaner air in the US. 12 other US states and Canada have adopted California’s rules.

200 CEOs Call on New EU Leaders for Sustainable Europe by 2030
200 CEOs Call on New EU Leaders for Sustainable Europe by 2030

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - The CEOs say they will be calling on three newly elected EU leaders to work with them to implement an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe by 2030.

6 Ways to Shift Business for Real, Positive Impact
6 Ways to Shift Business for Real, Positive Impact

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - To answer the call of this climate emergency, we need business to shift from being ‘less negative’ to being ‘for good,’ and to redefine ‘profit’ to include social and environmental benefit.

Beautycounter Takes Action in D.C.
Beautycounter Takes Action in D.C.

CORPORATE MEMBER UPDATE - This past Tuesday was the 81st anniversary of the passing of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act—the last major legislation governing personal-care products.

The Balancing Act of CSR: Meeting Community and Stakeholder Expectations
The Balancing Act of CSR: Meeting Community and Stakeholder Expectations

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - While some proponents of CSR would like to believe that all CSR efforts can be beneficial in some way, the facts indicate otherwise. CSR is not black and white, and not all CSR proposals are created equal.

How Brands Can Better Employ Empathy During Pride
How Brands Can Better Employ Empathy During Pride

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Although June is the perfect milestone to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, our hope is that brand efforts and progress last throughout the year — and simply become another part of doing good business.

How Brands Are Influencing Better Behaviors, Legislation, Supply Chains
How Brands Are Influencing Better Behaviors, Legislation, Supply Chains

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - On the fourth and final day of SB’19 Detroit, a host of brands shared lessons learned from efforts to engage stakeholders on a variety of topics — from more sustainable food choices and healthier masculinity to much-needed changes in policy.

Brands Large and Small on Driving the Change They Wish to See in the World
Brands Large and Small on Driving the Change They Wish to See in the World

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - SB’19 Detroit was off to an engaging start this week, with powerhouses including Allbirds, Cisco, Eileen Fisher and Timberland comparing notes with rising craft brands and even Little Miss Flint on the most effective ways to continue to drive change toward a healthy, sustainable future.

There’s No Time to Waste, So Let’s Make Time for the Future
There’s No Time to Waste, So Let’s Make Time for the Future

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - When you hear the word “Tupperware,” do you picture leftovers in your grandmother’s fridge? Or perhaps 1960s housewives displaying towers of product at a “Tupperware Party?” It’s time to paint a new picture.

Q&A: Tides on the Most Effective Formula for Corporate Social Impact Strategies
Q&A: Tides on the Most Effective Formula for Corporate Social Impact Strategies

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Tides works with foundations, companies, individual donors and social change nonprofit organizations to accelerate corporate efforts to address tough social problems.

CEOs of Over 75 Companies Urge Congress to Set National Carbon Price
CEOs of Over 75 Companies Urge Congress to Set National Carbon Price

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - CEOs and other representatives of more than 75 US businesses and trade associations, with combined market valuations of nearly $2.5 trillion, call for federal climate action including carbon pricing.

Study: Most Brands' Support of Causes Is Not Breaking Through to Gen Z
Study: Most Brands' Support of Causes Is Not Breaking Through to Gen Z

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - New study from DoSomething Strategic reveals disconnect between brands and their support of social causes in the minds of younger consumers. Savage x Fenty, Dove, and Love Beauty and Planet receive among the highest association between brand and cause.

The Allbirds Carbon Fund: We’re Changing, So the Climate Doesn’t
The Allbirds Carbon Fund: We’re Changing, So the Climate Doesn’t

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - We have a contract with our customers to continuously improve our products and business. We’ve relentlessly sought out new ways to lessen our environmental impact — and when we can’t find one, we invent it.

Community Buy-In: Turning Employees from Cynics to Storytellers
Community Buy-In: Turning Employees from Cynics to Storytellers

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - As increasing numbers of organisations make sustainability commitments, transparency around how they are progressing reiterates how hard it can be to turn ambitions into reality. There are many reasons for this; however, a common denominator for those at the start of their sustainability journey is often a lack of internal understanding and desire to change.

Breaking Through to the C-Suite: A ‘How To’ for Sustainability Executives
Breaking Through to the C-Suite:  A ‘How To’ for Sustainability Executives

SURFACING SUBMERGED VALUE - Even at this advanced stage of our climate and resource debacle, sustainability practitioners still do not possess the same status in corporations as their purely business-minded brethren. How do we get sustainability officers both the recognition they deserve and the clout that should go with it?

CEO Activism: How to Achieve Authentic Impact
CEO Activism: How to Achieve Authentic Impact

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Is CEO activism going to represent authentic commentary leading to constructive social impact, or will it simply be a public relations tool? To find out at least half the story, we sat down with a leader from one such PR firm, Victoria Baxter, of the Social Impact Practice at Weber Shandwick.

The Evolving Landscape of CSR: The Top 5 Trends of the Last 5 Years
The Evolving Landscape of CSR: The Top 5 Trends of the Last 5 Years

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Whether it’s in Super Bowl ads or annual financial reports, employee communications or job interviews, companies big and small are talking about how they’re working to address societal challenges.

5 Cultural Shifts Brands Should Adapt to in 2019
5 Cultural Shifts Brands Should Adapt to in 2019

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - 2018 marked some pretty major cultural changes, and that’s going to have effects on brand identity development. So, what cultural shifts do companies, effective brand managers and brand design agencies need to adapt to if they want to do well?

Trust Barometer’s Pressure Points Reveal Huge Opportunity for Purpose-Driven Companies
Trust Barometer’s Pressure Points Reveal Huge Opportunity for Purpose-Driven Companies

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - The mass population is far more skeptical of institutions than the informed public, only one in five people believes the system is working for them, and large majorities express a sense of injustice and a desire for change.