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Stories About Brands Taking Stands

Found 665 stories. Page 4 of 34.

How the Cocoa Industry Can and Must Change to Tackle the Climate Crisis
How the Cocoa Industry Can and Must Change to Tackle the Climate Crisis

SUPPLY CHAIN - Ceres’ new Investor Brief on Cocoa identifies three key challenges posed to the cocoa industry by shifting social and environmental conditions, and the actions companies can take today to mitigate the material financial risks embedded in cocoa supply chains.

Report: 2021 Offers Narrow Window to Course Correct for Sustainable Future
Report: 2021 Offers Narrow Window to Course Correct for Sustainable Future

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - New report from Forum for the Future asserts that the decisions we make in the next 6-18 months will lock in unsustainable practices or set us on a pathway towards a fairer, more sustainable and resilient world.

73% of Execs Agree: Companies Must Take Stands on Social Justice Issues
73% of Execs Agree: Companies Must Take Stands on Social Justice Issues

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - But many executives cite barriers — such as pleasing too many stakeholders with differing views — as part of Corporate America’s challenge in making authentic progress on social issues.

Oatly’s Big Gaffe: Straying from Its Brand Purpose
Oatly’s Big Gaffe: Straying from Its Brand Purpose

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - If Oatly had taken Blackstone’s money, put it on a billboard, and made it known to all of its customers that its next mission was to change the world of ‘big bad investment’ from the inside out, it would’ve remained true to its brand story.

Growing Pressure on Brands to Cut Supply Link Tainted with Uyghur Forced Labor
Growing Pressure on Brands to Cut Supply Link Tainted with Uyghur Forced Labor

SUPPLY CHAIN - State-sanctioned camps, forced labor and cultural genocide are something no company should be involved with, directly or indirectly.

Over 400 Advertisers Show Facebook That They Won’t Tolerate Hate
Over 400 Advertisers Show Facebook That They Won’t Tolerate Hate

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - In just over two weeks, the Stop Hate for Profit campaign has rallied the support of over 400 companies — all of which have pulled their advertising dollars from Facebook and Instagram for the month of July.

Black Lives Matter; Racial Equity Is Fundamental to Our Vision of a Flourishing Future
Black Lives Matter; Racial Equity Is Fundamental to Our Vision of a Flourishing Future

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - We must foster resilient and just societies in order to solve the major challenges that face the world. So, systemic racism and barriers to equity must be embedded into the sustainability equation and conversation.

Brands Speak Out to Support Black Lives Matter, But Actions Speak Louder
Brands Speak Out to Support Black Lives Matter, But Actions Speak Louder

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Brands are more willing than ever to take public stands in support of important issues. But while many aren’t much more than social media sound bytes, others go beyond lip service to action.

How to Future-Proof Brands and Create Culture Change in Challenging Times
How to Future-Proof Brands and Create Culture Change in Challenging Times

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Day 2 of the SB Leadership Summit saw a host of intimate discussions on the power of teamwork to drive change toward a better future — as seen in the relationships between top brands’ CMOs and CSOs, the many brand partners fueling SB’s Brands for Good initiative, and making “what people need” a core brand focus.

155 Business Leaders Push Governments for Net-Zero COVID-Recovery Plan
155 Business Leaders Push Governments for Net-Zero COVID-Recovery Plan

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - In the largest-ever, UN-backed, CEO-led climate advocacy effort, major multinationals — all part of the Science Based Targets initiative — reaffirm their own commitments to achieving zero-carbon economy and call on governments to match their ambition.

Phin’s Food and Shelter Drive Needs Your Help to Benefit Those Affected by COVID-19
Phin’s Food and Shelter Drive Needs Your Help to Benefit Those Affected by COVID-19

COLLABORATION & CO-CREATION - The social good relationship platform is donating its services in May and beyond in a bid to reach those affected by the crisis — and seeking corporate donors for the nationwide campaign.

LEAD on Climate 2020 to Be Largest-Ever Virtual Lawmaker Advocacy Day for Climate Action
LEAD on Climate 2020 to Be Largest-Ever Virtual Lawmaker Advocacy Day for Climate Action

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - 300+ businesses in the largest-ever call to action from business leaders to the US Congress will call for a build-back-better strategy that centers around a resilient, clean energy economy.

Unilever Marks Sustainable Living Plan’s 10th Year; New ‘Compass’ to Guide Further Progress
Unilever Marks Sustainable Living Plan’s 10th Year; New ‘Compass’ to Guide Further Progress

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - In 10th and final year of the company’s Sustainable Living Plan, CEO Alan Jope reinforces commitment to sustainability leadership; calls for renewed action to tackle social inequality and the climate crisis in post-COVID world.

How Can Boards Successfully Guide a Transition to Sustainable Business?
How Can Boards Successfully Guide a Transition to Sustainable Business?

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - A well-structured sustainability committee not only serves a critical coordinating function, but also steers sustainability right to the heart of the company and the company’s strategy. Let’s take a look at how boards at some of the world’s leading companies have tackled this.

‘Green Swans’ Will Kill Some Brands, Boost Others
‘Green Swans’ Will Kill Some Brands, Boost Others

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Green Swans also take the world by surprise — because of their exponential character, and because they produce outcomes previously considered to be not just improbable but impossible. But rather than driving degeneration like their Grey and Black cousins, they help drive resilience and regeneration.

Reimagining Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships in Times of Crisis
Reimagining Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships in Times of Crisis

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - In a time when needs are growing but government resources are constricted, nonprofits are being asked to do more with fewer resources. Promises made by companies to fulfill the needs of their communities and their stakeholders are more important now than ever before — which is why we need social impact solutions that can do both.

‘Yes, and ...’: A Framework for an Uncertain Future
‘Yes, and ...’: A Framework for an Uncertain Future

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - For businesses navigating the coronavirus, prospects are daunting in this liminal space. While many are navigating the current “new normal” well by taking each daily (hourly) change one at a time, some are starting to look past now through the power of “yes-and” thinking.

The Time Is Now for Brands to Lead with Higher Values
The Time Is Now for Brands to Lead with Higher Values

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - It’s during moments of great difficulty that our authentic selves shine through — and the same is true for companies. Long after the COVID-19 crisis passes, the world won’t forget the values-driven companies that led with a conscience. The time is now to decide: How will your brand be remembered?

100 US Companies, Investors Throw Weight Behind Transportation and Climate Initiative
100 US Companies, Investors Throw Weight Behind Transportation and Climate Initiative

COLLABORATION & CO-CREATION - A diverse group of investors, companies and organizations across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic US are urging the region’s governors to adopt the TCI — what they’re calling a ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity.’

What the Coronavirus Outbreak Reveals About the Current Corporate Response to Human Rights
What the Coronavirus Outbreak Reveals About the Current Corporate Response to Human Rights

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - While the epidemic has shined a light on examples of a positive, collective response; it has also exposed an ongoing failure by corporations to put people first, and profit second.