Perkins&Will is tagged in 4 stories.
4 years ago
- Here, Mary Dickinson, co-director of Perkins&Will's Material Performance Lab, sheds light on the firm’s efforts related to the environments in which we live, work and play; the market drivers for those initiatives; and the challenges and keys to success along the way.
4 years ago
- Last month, Shaw hosted a webinar “Sustaining Human Ability: Taking a People-Centric Approach to Sustainability” — a panel discussion with three organizations that exemplify what it means to put people at the center of their sustainability efforts: Perkins and Will, HeiQ Group and Healthy Building Network. The webinar kicked off our program to recognize diverse organizations intently focused on products and initiatives that support the wellbeing of people and the planet.
6 years ago
- While the LEED rating system has faced criticism for its narrow scope, hefty price tag and preference for context-ignorant cleantech, a new resilient construction standard developed by global architecture and design firm Perkins+Will in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting and Eaton Corporation could prove to be a critical tool in helping city planners, architects, developers, governments and businesses design buildings, neighborhoods and buildings better equipped