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thinkPARALLAX is tagged in 34 stories. Page 2 of 2.
4 Steps to Creating Social Impact Programs That Benefit Communities and Business
4 Steps to Creating Social Impact Programs That Benefit Communities and Business

6 years ago - Not so long ago, there was a large disconnect between doing good and good business. While the idea of corporate social responsibility has been around since the 1960s, businesses have historically approached CSR and sustainability as a “feel good” silo or regulatory requirement — a means to improve public image reputation and mitigate risk, but not much else. It wasn't until recent years that companies discovered that social impact programs could benefit a company in more remunerative ways — increasing revenue, creating new markets, driving innovation, retaining talent, and opening the doors to new business opportunities. As such, it was rare for CEOs and CFOs to even nod their heads towards citizenship and sustainability, much less make it a priority.

The 2 Most Important Pages of Your Sustainability Report
The 2 Most Important Pages of Your Sustainability Report

7 years ago - We’ve done a lot of thinking, and writing, over the years about the broad topic of corporate sustainability and citizenship reporting (see here and here for examples). But for this post, I’m going to narrow the focus to what I believe are the two most important pages of your report: the CEO Letter. Why? Simply put: It’s concise, it comes from the top, and (if properly constructed) it provides readers with critical insight into your citizenship approach — all in the span of one or two (hopefully not three) pages.

The Art of Modern Sustainability Communications: How to Embrace an Audience-First Approach
The Art of Modern Sustainability Communications: How to Embrace an Audience-First Approach

7 years ago - Recent research clearly indicates that today’s stakeholders expect more from companies — they want to purchase from and work for companies that champion sustainability. This shift in attitude is dramatically altering the way that companies conduct (and even think about) their businesses.

Measuring True Impact: Why Science Is Redefining Our Definition of a Sustainable Company
Measuring True Impact: Why Science Is Redefining Our Definition of a Sustainable Company

7 years ago - Big changes for better outcomes Businesses today are realizing that to truly address the environmental and social challenges that affect our world, a major shift is required in the way they produce and market products and services.

Why There Is No Role for Storytelling in Your Sustainability Report
Why There Is No Role for Storytelling in Your Sustainability Report

7 years ago - We recently presented on “The Role of Storytelling in Corporate Reporting” — a subject that many organizations struggle to address properly. Our view on the subject is straightforward: A report is not for storytelling. Very few stakeholders spend time reading dense, formal corporate reports, and those that do want two things:

Stealing Plays: Why Sustainability Communicators Should Be More Like Bill Belichick
Stealing Plays: Why Sustainability Communicators Should Be More Like Bill Belichick

7 years ago - Sustainability can be incredibly engaging. The pressing issues of our day demand that humans find new ways of existing – and quickly. Happily, society’s attitudes about sustainability are heading in a positive direction. In recent years, consumers have begun to demonstrate a preference for sustainable products and services, while many businesses have embraced sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as part of the way they operate. As sustainability practitioners and communicators, the world is primed to listen to our message.  

VIDEO: Guilt-Free Fashion and Coffee with the CEO and Founder of MUD Jeans
VIDEO: Guilt-Free Fashion and Coffee with the CEO and Founder of MUD Jeans

7 years ago - How do you challenge entrenched patterns of consumption and disposal while growing a fashion business at the same time? Join thinkPARALLAX for a conversation with the founder of MUD Jeans, the upstart Dutch “circular denim” brand that is tearing down the idea that sustainability or the circular economy can’t be fashionable.

Addressing the Confusion Around Materiality and Reporting
Addressing the Confusion Around Materiality and Reporting

7 years ago - Both the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Regulation S-K concept release in April of 2016 and the new GRI G4 guidelines that came into full effect in January 2016 are causing sustainability practitioners to take a long, hard look at the topic of materiality.

Discerning Taste: Sustainability Reporting for Evolving Audiences
Discerning Taste: Sustainability Reporting for Evolving Audiences

8 years ago -   Corporate sustainability is no longer a niche subject important only in the minds of a handful of regulators and environmentalists. As our collective understanding of the value of sustainability has grown, new audiences have joined the conversation. For sustainability professionals, catering to this growing and diverse audience can be challenging.

VIDEO: International Paper's Journey to Embedded Sustainability
VIDEO: International Paper's Journey to Embedded Sustainability

8 years ago - A candid interview with International Paper Sustainability Manager James McDonald One Fortune 500 Company’s Global Citizenship Transformation

Why Social Media and Sustainability Should Go Hand in Hand
Why Social Media and Sustainability Should Go Hand in Hand

8 years ago -   Over the last decade, we have seen social media and sustainability play an increasingly important role in the way that businesses conduct and talk about themselves. Together they’ve helped push corporations to new levels of transparency, opened up avenues for greater engagement, forced organizations to rethink their role in society, and aligned individuals, businesses and communities around shared purpose.

Building an Engaged Work Culture: Culture Starts with a Purpose
Building an Engaged Work Culture: Culture Starts with a Purpose

8 years ago - Over the course of history, factors like politics, geography and economics have shaped the personalities of regions throughout the world – leaving each one with its own distinct and unmistakable flavor. Germans, for example, are systematic, organized and efficient – whereas the neighboring Italians, just two countries over, are famous for passion, love of life and general la dolce vida-ness.

Powered by Purpose: What Tesla’s Model 3 says about the future of sustainability
Powered by Purpose: What Tesla’s Model 3 says about the future of sustainability

8 years ago - Elon Musk finally rolled out his highly-anticipated electric vehicle for the masses – the Tesla Model 3.