Unilever is tagged in 579 stories.
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4 years ago
- We know, of course, that no matter how many bold ambitions a company has, it cannot change the world alone. But through collaborative effort, the impact companies can make is multiplied, often many times over.
4 years ago
- S&P Global Ratings said today that Unilever PLC/NV
scored 89 in its Environmental, Social, And Governance (ESG) Evaluation
4 years ago
- WRI’s RADD (Radar Alerts for Detecting Deforestation) will be deployed initially in Malaysia and Indonesia, which together make up about 90% of palm oil production globally. According to WRI, it will detect deforestation weeks faster than existing optical-based systems.
4 years ago
- New CDP research says industry 2020 zero-deforestation commitments are now impossible; and Councilmembers and Indigenous activists in New York and LA call for a boycott of Brazilian meat companies and a shift toward plant-based diets.
4 years ago
- Third edition of Feeding Ourselves Thirsty reveals improved scores in water-management practices from industry giants such as Mars, Coca-Cola and Unilever, but finds insufficient corporate action overall in an increasingly water-stressed world.
4 years ago
- Algramo’s unique, refillable packaging system allows customers to buy as much or as little of a product as they want, in reusable containers, with no difference in the price per gram — then recycles all packaging at the end of its life.
4 years ago
- Dove announces new initiatives as part of its 2025 commitment to reduce plastic waste, which will see the brand avoid the use of more than 20,500 tonnes of virgin plastic per year:
• making its iconic beauty bar packaging plastic-free globally
• launching new 100% recycled plastic bottles
• trialling a new refillable deodorant format that radically reduces plastic use
5 years ago
- Because it lacks the self-serving undercurrents associated with other types of marketing, sustainability thought leadership is one of the most effective tools for building trust among stakeholders while establishing your brand as an industry authority.
5 years ago
- By 2025, the CPG giant says it will eliminate more than 100K tonnes of plastic packaging, and collect and process more plastic packaging than it sells. This makes Unilever the first global CPG company to commit to an absolute plastics reduction across its portfolio.
5 years ago
- Transformational ESG goals seek to make changes across companies’ entire value chain and even society. But in a recent review of 50 of the Fortune 250
companies, incremental ESG goals are still the norm.
5 years ago
- The collaboration between Unilever-Lifebuoy and The Power of Nutrition aims to reach mothers and expectant mothers in rural India via mobile app, to reduce infant mortality and boost overall health through handwashing.
5 years ago
- New partnerships for forest and clean-air restoration, science-based emissions-reduction targets by over 50 companies and 6 countries, lead us into a week full of business and government sustainability commitments for Climate Week 2019.
5 years ago
- In the first gathering of the Sustainable Brands community in Uruguay last week, change agents from a wide swath of perspectives shared their visions of what’s necessary to course-correct our way to a healthy, flourishing future — and where the power really lies in driving change.
5 years ago
- As part of our efforts to make all our plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025, we’re working on ways that shoppers can buy one container and refill it over and over again.
5 years ago
- $5.3 trillion investor coalition reports on how global food companies including Tesco, Carrefour and Nestlé are responding to consumer demand for alternative proteins
5 years ago
- Ahead of the UN Climate Action Summit in September, companies commit to set 1.5°C climate targets aligned with a net-zero future, challenging governments to match their ambition.
5 years ago
- Innovative solutions to reduce plastic waste come in all shapes and sizes — but how do we combat the issue without taking plastic products away from those who need them most for everyday living?
5 years ago
- From early-stage startups to college students to grade-school prodigies, 3M, the Biomimicry Institute and Unilever continue to mine the latest, greatest minds for the next sustainability innovations.
5 years ago
- By piloting the Equivalency Module with US farmers, Barry Callebaut and Unilever now benefit from streamlined sustainability assessment.
5 years ago
- Throughout the week at SB’19 Detroit, as we were regaled with tales of inspiring programs such as Dave’s Killer Bread’s Second Chance Employment initiative, we were pleasantly struck by the theme that emerged of brands and other organizations cultivating leaders and changemakers from unlikely places and in unique ways.